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Today’s Horoscope – June 4, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Today’s Horoscope – June 4, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Today’s Horoscope – June 4, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Published 03 June 2024, 19:05 IST


An older loved one in the family needs your care and attention today, but you are charming and persuasive and will help soothe matters. This is an excellent time for working on confidence issues. If you are on the lookout for someone special, this could be the day. Colour: Yellow. Number: 9.


Do not blow situations out of proportion. You may find it necessary to confront a situation that has gotten out of hand. So, it is important to communicate clearly at work and home with your partner. Colour: Garnet. Number: 2.


Take the test and you will come out on top. Your intuition will guide you in the right direction, and you will make a difference. Your energetic nature and ability to initiate projects will add to your popularity today. Colour: Amethyst. Number: 3.


By allowing things to flow outside your expectations you may add a new dimension that hadn’t occurred to you till now. Watch out for new romances because some of them may not be what you expect. Colour: Purple. Number: 6.


There are new directions for you and you will be recognised for your abilities and talents. Share your winnings and praise with others and be grateful. Your relationships start to improve, so you should no longer feel anxious about being confronted by certain people. Colour: Tan. Number: 7.


If you are very practical in your approach, things ought to go well for you. There could be ups and downs. It may not be a great time for romance for you – be aware of relationship issues and take time to reassess your priorities. Colour: Indigo. Number: 1.


Changes at home are possible and a relationship puts a heavy strain on you today. An older loved one’s health is a concern. Your work will be appreciated, but you are a bit too exacting for your friends today. Colour: Plum. Number: 4.


Be cautious about special plans or projects today. Children bring joy. A known friend could turn traitor. Confusion and miscommunication between yourself and others are possible today. Colour: Lilac. Number: 5.


You are feeling impatient or restless. You have lots of energy and feel the urge to accept challenges and meet deadlines. Communications or travel may be affected. Colour: Orange. Number: 8.


Your judgement goes askew, and you will have to rely on a partner for realistic ideas. Develop your sense of fair play. You appear not to have enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do. Delegating work seems like a good idea. Colour: Vanilla. Number: 2.


Be careful of your health and pay attention to any telltale signs of illness. Avoid the need to speak out as strongly as you usually do and you will fare much better. Colour: Opal. Number: 3.


A casual new relationship could evolve into something more. Don’t push the pace, but let things unfold gradually as you get to know each other better. You feel more at ease with the difficult decisions you have made and no longer feel the need to be judged. Colour: Saffron. Number: 6.

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