March 21-April 20
The Moon in Libra is slowing things down, when you might be better served by being proactive. Know what’s good for you.
April 21-May 21
As long as you walk a righteous path, you will find all the healing and sensitivity you need to traverse these tricky times.
May 22-June 21
Mercury and Venus are conjunct the Sun at the end of Gemini. To break through, articulate your rather knotty feelings.
June 22-July 23
You are running around as anxiously as an expectant mother. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are lined up to land on your table.
July 24-Aug 23
With a powerful positive relationship unfolding between the Sun and Pluto, transformational changes are brewing.
Aug 24-Sep 23
Communicate truly and carefully. A lot depends on you bringing complex issues to light in a digestible manner.
Sep 24-Oct 23
The Moon is in Libra. She is harmonising with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini. Be romantic, heartfelt and insightful.
Oct 24-Nov 22
The Moon will arrive in Scorpio sometime today, bringing a wave of emotion with her. She is pulling you towards home.
Nov 23-Dec 21
Jupiter and Pluto are in cahoots. Wholesale expansion and change is coming in lightly with the flutter of a butterfly’s wings.
Dec 22-Jan 20
Focus on your relationship/s. Forget about distractions and other people’s ideas of where you should be and what you are doing.
Jan 21-Feb 19
There’s a conflict going on between your romantic self and your pragmatic self. Resolution lies in lightness and acceptance.
Feb 20-March 20
The Libra Moon reminds you to prioritise beauty and equanimity. Silence some of the storms brewing in your waters.
Parts of yourself that you have been protecting and hiding are now ready to come out of the forest.
The Libra Moon is helping you to create harmony where there has been tension. Remember, possibilities are endless.
Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent