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Horoscope Today, June 27, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Virgo, Aries and other signs

Horoscope Today, June 27, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Virgo, Aries and other signs

Financial news could be better than you’d hoped for, and you may feel sufficiently enthused to team up with partners in a new venture. Push along with changes and make a few much-needed improvements in your relationships. Above all, you’ll be focusing on a new social goal.

Surprise news or events could add interest to social engagements, and if you’re involved in light-hearted activities, you’ll be given a welcome break from arduous responsibilities. When you’re dealing with money you may feel as if you should be saving, but in the meantime, it seems to be easier to spend!

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: be less secretive

Home and family affairs are highlighted, and plans for a move could soon be under way. If you are able to side-step opposition from associates, this should be a day of co-operation. Also, try to be less secretive than usual and share ideas with friends.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: no sign partners are more reliable

Mundane and routine affairs have taken up much of your time, but there’s plenty of scope for developing the more imaginative side of life. There’s still no sign that partners are any more reliable than in the past. Still, you chose them! And that, perhaps, is the lesson you have to learn!

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: bid for romantic happiness

Unexpected encounters could prove to be highly fortunate, and may give you something to think about financially. You’ll have the right touch, and this could be a promising day for dealing with officialdom. You’ll be able to make a bid for romantic happiness soon, but not until you’ve stopped relying on others for emotional security.

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VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: feelings will be reciprocated

You will still be kept on the go, with little time to put your feet up. Don’t, though, expect everything to turn out as you would like. Short trips could take you to some unusual places. You will very soon be able to grapple with a romantic ambition and, if you’re lucky, your feelings will be reciprocated – but give yourself an opt-out clause just in case.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: attitudes to partners will change

Background activity is important, and cash and career prospects could benefit from your typically discreet actions. Friendly contacts will help you along, but your own mood could turn serious as time progresses. And when that happens, your attitudes to close partners will also change.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: prospects are bright

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Your prospects are bright, but you’ll be occupied keeping abreast of chores, especially if partners don’t see eye-to-eye. Make sure you don’t waste your valuable time running around after people who don’t share your aspirations. The last thing you want to do now is waste more precious energy.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: give time to long-term investments

Chase up any cash owing to you, and give time to long-term investments and securities. Your ideas on business will be good, but you could do with expert advice if you are to stay in the black. After all, you can’t always be expected to take all the responsibility – and the blame.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: tie up a few loose ends

If a business matter has been left in the air recently you should now be able to tie up a few loose ends. A new social contact should be cultivated, as you are not yet sure from which source future assistance will be arriving. It could actually be an old friend who comes back into your life and fits the bill.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: put down your foundations

If progress seems slow at work, try new tactics and go for the friendly approach. Before long, there’ll be opportunities to branch out in new emotional directions, so put down your foundations now. Part of the problem is that you are expecting too much to happen too soon.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: sort out your priorities

Life is fairly hectic, and new invitations or proposals may present you with awkward choices. If so, now is the ideal time to sort out your priorities, deciding what is really important and setting aside much more time for relaxation. On the other hand, as soon as you have had a short rest, you’ll be off again!

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First uploaded on: 27-06-2024 at 01:00 IST