Australian News Today

New research – Older Australians tech-savvy and social; but 80% concerned about security of their personal info when online – News Hub

New research – Older Australians tech-savvy and social; but 80% concerned about security of their personal info when online – News Hub


New research, by not-for-profit aged care provider Benetas, regarding technology use by older Australians has found that Aussie seniors are tech savvy and social but privacy and security concerns, not tech challenges, are their biggest limitations, with 17% of seniors having lost money from an online scam.


The Benetas Digital Inclusion & Cyber Safety Among Australian Seniors Research Study also found:

  • Eight in ten older Australians describe technology as important in helping them keep in touch with family and friends.
  • Using videos calls (48%) to make or receive calls has overtaken use of landlines (45%), but mobile phones are well in front at 94%.
  • 50% of older Australians use social media daily
    • 76% of women and 62% of men are on social media
  • Only 10% are very confident in their ability to stay safe online. 
  • However, only 39% change their passwords regularly and just 10% of people surveyed had received any cyber safety training.
  • 55% of older Australians say they would like to improve their knowledge further so they can do more things online.
  • Strong interest in cyber safety training with keys areas being learning more about avoiding online scams (58%), how to recognise phishing emails or texts (49%), safe online banking practices (45%) and password security (40%).


Further information can be found in the attached media release.  

Key Facts:

       80% are concerned about the security of their personal information when using online services

1    17% reported that they have been the victim of an online, email or text message scam where they lost money


About us:

About Benetas

Established in 1948, we are a leading not-for-profit provider of residential aged care, in-home and community services, respite, allied health and retirement living in Victoria. We provide older people and their loved ones with outstanding levels of customer service and individualised care when they need it.

Our vision is for everyone to have a positive and fulfilling experience of ageing, where all people have the opportunity to live their best lives.

Contact details:

Paul Wickham

Boxing Clever

M: +61 412 398 489
