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The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On July 14, 2024

The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On July 14, 2024

Discover your horoscope for this Sunday, July 14, as we reach the last week of Cancer season. The Moon will be in Scorpio in a tough conversation with Pluto. The square aspect happening between these two planets can feel a little tense, but it can also be the alchemical agent for change and transformation.

Stand in your power not to conform to social scripts that make you shrink into yourself. Use your voice and power for good; the more role models we have in this world for positive change, the more others will be awakened to follow the same trail.

Your zodiac sign’s daily horoscope for July 14, 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The purpose of this moon phase is to support you in assessing whether you have the time and energy to commit and truly invest yourself in your goals.

Although your focus is intensified during this time, this is an opportunity to determine which goals will add value to your bigger mission and purpose and which goals fall on more superficial lines. The cosmic energies ask you to be honest with yourself so that you can feel the full healing powers they have to offer.

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your most intimate connections may require more of your love and attention today. You may even realize how different you are from each other, not negatively, but because you both have individual purposes and goals to fulfill.

Ask how you can support each other, whether that means you or the other needs more space or more time to study. Whatever it is, this is a great time to check in on what your main growth points are at the moment so you know where you’re both at, soulfully and mentally.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Your working structure may need a reset for different reasons. First, you might be craving a sense of renewal in your working passions. It’s natural for your motivation to ebb and flow, but there are things in your control that can help give you a motivating boost.

Perhaps you need to change the coffee shop you’re working in; maybe a quick 30-minute art gallery visit can inspire you before you start your working day or even a slow stroll in nature. Test what makes your heart pump a little faster and harder, and go where your creative impulses take you.

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It’s time to stop waiting for the ‘right moment’ to make the decision that’s been lurking in your mind for days, months, or weeks. Your instincts might help you push the green light and walk into the unknown.

The unknown isn’t so scary once we stop creating imaginary stories that aren’t based on facts. These cosmic energies may remind you of how you can take control of your destiny without feeling as though you are dependent on anything outside of you. How many signs do you need to move forward?

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You may be processing more deeply embedded emotions today, which can help you transmute fear and self-doubt like an alchemist. Memories of the past might surface, helping you see where you may have buried your sense of power and agency.

When we haven’t let go of the past, it sneakily convinces us that we’re unworthy of our desires and dreams. It may even hold us back from going after what we truly want out of fear that we are inherently unlucky. It’s time to rewrite negative self-talk into more empowered narratives.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Your intuitive side may just nudge you to close old chapters to breathe life into new beginnings. But remember, growth does involve growing pains; just like gaining new muscles, old tissue has to be torn through. 

You may have recently felt you’ve been reflecting on your behavior and how your actions influence your outer reality. You may now be more aware of why you make your own decisions and can gain new clarity on whether you have been navigating your life choices from a place of courage or fear.

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Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Stand up for what you believe in, even if you’re the only person in the room who fiercely uses their voice. This is an opportunity to explore your personal freedom, limitless courage, and inner power.

This time frame will support you in making brave choices in your life that can help you break out of restrictions and limitations and help you see the warrior that lies within you. Use this as a cosmic checkpoint to evaluate whether you’re living life on your own terms or making choices that aren’t in alignment with your authentic self.

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Who are you outside of your family and friends? The things that make you unique are the very things that make you stand out. To go deeper into your ‘individuation’ journey, you must know when you’ve outgrown different aspects of your life.

Whether that’s connections stifling your growth, environments where you feel you no longer have any creative agency or being stuck in the past. Sometimes, you won’t get a co-sign to go your own way, but the risk of social validation is worth it for the adventures awaiting you on the other side of the fence.

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You might feel slightly more introverted today simply because you want to sit with the images and feelings emerging from your subconscious. These reflections may even highlight where you might not be claiming your full power or where you may be self-sabotaging beneficial experiences simply out of fear or feelings of unworthiness.

Self-sabotaging patterns may not always appear to be obvious. For example, they can show up as saying no to an opportunity that we may be keen to accept but may feel overwhelmed by thoughts of the several ways it might go wrong or not work in our favor. Pop this question in your journal: ‘Am I saying no to opportunities because they aren’t in alignment with my vision or out of a place of fear?’

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

When we face a new challenge or work on a goal that takes us out of our comfort zone, it’s normal to feel worried and uncertain about how we can fully show up to work through it. Breathe through the initial panic and take some time to figure out the best course of action.

Give yourself some space to observe and detach from the situation, and you’re able to act intentionally and draw from the well of strength that resides within you. For example, think about what you have already accomplished that you once thought would be impossible.

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This is a tremendous time to see what future career goals feel most aligned. Honor what curiosities and interests excite your primal senses. At the same time, you might have to release outdated goals that no longer make you feel passionate or like they’re attached to a past version of you.

Clean the stakes so that you can begin again on a fresh new slate. Keep your career ethos that works, and write a new mission statement for the next path ahead.

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Let go of rigid expectations of your goals or even of yourself as you instantly open up your perspectives to envision new pathways that were always available to you. Accept your experiences as they are so you can come to find peace with your choices and integrate the lessons they have taught you.

This is how you alchemize the past into priceless wisdom you can carry with you as you cross into new horizons. Additionally, don’t blame yourself if previous plans don’t align with your original intentions, as some plans are just a bridge to get you to the next.

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Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologer, writer and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.