Australian News Today

Forget the Olympics, this man may be the fastest to type the alphabet with his nose

Forget the Olympics, this man may be the fastest to type the alphabet with his nose

In short:

An Adelaide man has attempted to set a new Guinness World Record at typing the alphabet with his nose.

Hitting the space bar in between each letter, he did it in 20 seconds and 51 milliseconds.

What’s next?

Omkar Palav has sent off evidence of his attempt to be verified by Guinness World Record officials. 

Forget about the Olympics, at least for a few more days, because an Adelaide man may have just broken the Guinness World Record for typing the alphabet with his nose.

Yes, you heard that correctly.

Omkar Palav has typed out each letter of the alphabet with only his nose in 20 seconds and 51 milliseconds.

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