Australian News Today

Australia: NTEU opposes fight against job cuts and restructuring at Western Sydney University College

Australia: NTEU opposes fight against job cuts and restructuring at Western Sydney University College

A call by Socialist Equality Party (SEP) supporters for a campaign to defeat a wholesale restructuring and destruction of jobs at Western Sydney University (WSU) College was blocked by National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) representatives at a meeting of College NTEU members on Tuesday.

Western Sydney University [Photo:]

WSU management is threatening the educators and professional staff at WSU College, which the university wholly owns, with the elimination of the equivalent of 17 full-time positions and a “spill and fill” regime to force them to compete against each other for the remaining posts.

Those targeted by WSU’s “change proposal” include 15 teachers, around 6 First Year Experience Coordinators, 10 Learning and Teaching Coordinators, 7 managers and 6 technical officers. The heaviest cuts are to arts, literature and humanities.

On Monday, SEP supporters—members of the Committee for Public Education (CFPE)—submitted the following resolution to the NTEU branch office to be circulated and discussed at Tuesday’s online meeting, which the union described as a report back on its talks with management:

  1. We call on all staff, whether NTEU members or not, to reject the NTEU’s written response to the management’s “change proposal,” in which the WSU NTEU branch accepts restructuring and proposes redundancies to assist the elimination of jobs. The response claims that the NTEU branch and its members support moves “to position the College better in the industry” and calls for an “EOI in redundancy process” under the NTEU’s 2022 enterprise agreement with management.

  2. We resolve to launch a campaign across WSU as a whole and throughout the university sector to win the support of all our academic and professional colleagues to defeat the destruction of our jobs and conditions.

  3. We support the formation of a rank-and-file committee, independent of the NTEU, to organise this campaign.

In a reply email, NTEU branch president David Burchell outrageously accused College staff member Gabriela Zabala, who submitted the resolution, of “harassing” a union official by simply asking for a resolution to be circulated, as is the democratic right of every worker.

Burchell declared that Zabala was “uncomradely and disrespectful” and charged her with “openly attempting to subvert the democratic processes of the union.” He concluded by alleging that she was “playing cynical party-games” and “that’s completely shameful.”

That hostility continued at Tuesday’s meeting, which was attended by less than 25 College staff members out of about 200. Many staff have no confidence in the union, on the basis of previous sellouts.

Burchell, who chaired the meeting, flatly rejected a motion by Zabala to circulate, discuss and vote on the resolution.