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Australian Bishops say action is required to achieve global peace – The Catholic Leader

Australian Bishops say action is required to achieve global peace – The Catholic Leader

AUSTRALIA’S Catholic bishops say peace is possible if people commit to truth, trust and the common good.

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Social Justice Statement for 2024-25, Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World”, seeks to make a substantive comment on the promotion of peace and the need for truth in public life.

“Words are never enough to make peace – action is required,” Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe said.

“Words such as those found in this statement can help us understand the current situation and how we might work together to create a world which better matches both human desire and the divine plan.”

The statement examines rising tensions around the world, the nature of truth, the spread of misinformation and disinformation, the arms race, domestic cohesion, the need for dialogue and education for peace.

It also lists practical action which can be taken to make a real difference.

The document highlights how peace-making is not limited to political decision-makers, and that everyone can contribute to peace through actions such as prayer, advocacy and local community engagement.

They also reaffirm how the erosion of truth and the emergence of a post-truth culture contribute to the current crisis of trust and peace around the world.

Each year, the bishops choose a topic for their Social Justice Statement, and in May 2023, recognised the need to comment on peace in a time of war, violence and the erosion of truth.

A copy of the statement and other resources can be found here.