Australian News Today

Concussions rule Will Pucovski out for entire season

Concussions rule Will Pucovski out for entire season

“The concussions have masked the bigger issues, and that’s the mental health stuff,” Pucovski said. “The mental health has been a much bigger issue for me than even the concussions.

“I don’t fear for my long-term health, it’s more the mental health side that’s been the tougher part.”

After the latest concussion former Cricket Australia doctor Peter Brukner questioned whether Pucovski may be headed towards medical retirement like Melbourne’s AFL star Angus Brayshaw.

“It’s a very difficult one, isn’t it? We’ve just had the Brayshaw retirement, which was sad, and I think, it’s the same sort of principle. I really feel for Will and his family,” Brukner told this masthead at the time.

“You get all the testing done and the best medical advice, but there comes a time really where you’ve got to think, ‘When is enough, enough?’”

Brukner has also questioned the value of helmets preventing concussion.

“Pre-helmets, almost no one got hit in the head. And now there’s not a Test match that goes by without a hit in the helmet. What’s changed?

“Now they feel as though they’re indestructible. They can just look at the ball straight on and if they miss it hits their helmet.”