Australian News Today

Countries with the lowest retirement ages in the world

Countries with the lowest retirement ages in the world

China has some of the earliest retirement ages in the world.

Women can retire at 50 if they’ve worked in a blue-collar job, or 55 if they have worked in professional or civil service careers.

Men become eligible for the pension when they are 60.

This won’t be the case forever, as China’s government announced last week that the retirement age will be gradually increased as the country tries to cope with an ageing population.

The government has not yet announced any details of the plan, but a report released in December Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a top government think tank, estimated that everyone will be retiring at 65 eventually.

That would put China more in line with other OECD countries like Australia.

It comes as there are fears China’s state pension fund could dry up within 10 years because of its dwindling workforce.