Australian News Today

Infrastructure shared priority for PNG and Australia

Infrastructure shared priority for PNG and Australia

Infrastructure is a shared priority for Papua New Guinea and Australia, the Australian High Commission states.

Minister Counselor Australian High Commission, Diane Barclay, giving an insight into the Australian Government’s investments and opportunities in PNG highlighted this.

With this priority, Ms Barclay said Australia spends $200 million in grant funding on infrastructure investment in a range of sectors, and $800 million investment in pipeline through the Australian Infrastructure financing facility annually.

“We know that PNG has an infrastructure deficit and there is need for some more planning and investment to support economic growth access to services and social development outcomes.

“Infrastructure investment is a key enabler for economic activity.”

Ms Barclay also said the government of PNG has asked all partners and Australia that 50 percent of aid funding be for infrastructure investment.

The Australian government’s investments in PNG are in the sectors, the Power sector, Maritime and road, aviation, and social infrastructures.