Australian News Today

Live: Tara Rigney rows for Oympic gold and it’s moving day in the golf in Paris

Live: Tara Rigney rows for Oympic gold and it’s moving day in the golf in Paris

Josh Hicks has gastro, and won’t race for gold a bit later on.

He’s been replaced in the men’s eight by Tim Masters.

“Throughout the past three years, the past iterations of this eight, there’s been an understanding in the group – a group of probably two dozen people who have been in and out of the eight at any given time – that there will be athletes who win medals, but also a lot of people who are standing behind them; and some of those people are athletes,” Josh said.

“Doing what’s best for the team, what’s best for a particular crew and the group at large is what’s most important.

“You can get upset for yourself if you don’t make a particular boat, or a circumstance keeps you out; but that would be a pretty ugly emotion and not really worth indulging in.

“It’s been easy to draw on that, doing what’s best for the team, making sure the best people on the day are in the boat. That will give the boat the best chance to go as fast as possible.”

The Australian men’s eight rowing team will be up in the final at 7:10pm.