Australian News Today

Lucky Break: Hitting The Money Shot – Australian Golf Digest

Lucky Break: Hitting The Money Shot – Australian Golf Digest

How a Sydney finance guru combined his day job with a love of golf to become the ‘Super Caddie’

There’s an old saying: find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

If you can’t find that dream job, at least find something that buys you plenty of time for the real pleasures in life.

Thanks to his wife, Sydney-based money expert Dan Corbett has the above all worked out. A financial adviser since the late 1990s, Corbett has forged a unique path in his profession by taking nuggets of wisdom from managing teams within banks, industry superannuation funds and private practices. While he was busy doing all that, Corbett [pictured] maintained a keen interest in competitive cycling and golf on the side. He completed his first triathlon in 1990, ended up at the World 70.3 Championships in 2006, and has moved over to road and track racing, with a few mountain bike races thrown in along the way. He also hits the links at every available opportunity, where he plays socially with people of all ages and stages in life.

It was during one of these rounds in 2015, mid-conversation with his playing partner about their long-term financial goals, that the penny dropped for Corbett and inspired a family meeting.

“My wife suggested I just work as a financial adviser for people that like what I like, rather than continue climbing the corporate ladder,” Corbett says. “She was right, so now that’s all I do. I started up Super Caddie and away I went. For almost a decade now, all I do is work with people that love what I love – golf or cycling. I love to exercise and try to cycle or play golf every day. One or
the other.”

OK, now we’re officially jealous.

So, how does Super Caddie actually work? Corbett says there are a few things in life that can keep us awake at night.

“Money and golf are two of the more important ones,” he adds. “Do I have enough to retire on? Am I making the most of my investment options? Should I start saving for my children or grandchildren, or start planning a destination-golf trip? How do I improve my golf handicap? Why can’t I putt anymore?

“I don’t lie awake thinking about the money stuff, but I certainly do think about the golf stuff – a lot. Having spent 25 years as a financial adviser, I’ve helped thousands sleep better at night by explaining the course in front of them – showing them where the traps are and how deep they can be, what the better ways to approach are, how to consolidate a good result and how to cope with an occasional tough choice.

“Helping people make the right choices on the golf course and the right choices with superannuation or outside-superannuation investing has a lot in common.”

It begs the question, says Corbett: have you ever reviewed your investment plan or retirement plan on a golf course?

“Would you rather talk about your life goals and how we may get you there in an office or on the golf course?” he asks. “Both are effective, and it’s OK if an office is the more feasible option for you, but it’s often far more pleasant doing it on the golf course. It’s also a really good way to get to know, or keep in touch with, someone that may help with some of the most important decisions in your life.”

Corbett says superannuation is one of the largest assets most will ever own and having an expert, that is part of your community, helping you is important. Yet Super Caddie can do much more than offer superannuation advice. Corbett provides full financial advice that suits your level of finances, understanding and tolerance – superannuation, investing, insurance – you name it, he does it. And while he’s just “OK” at golf, there’s little doubt Corbett’s a scratch marker when it comes to managing golfers’ finances.

“Let’s pick a sunny day to get outside and play some golf. In between shots, you simply help us understand why you need the money that you do and it’s our job to help you get it. Life is too short to sit behind a desk.”


If you would like help better managing your superannuation and finances, contact Dan – a.k.a. the “Super Caddie” – via phone 0419 461 951 or e-mail to