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NRMA Insurance’s role in fostering future Australian cricket stars

NRMA Insurance’s role in fostering future Australian cricket stars

Goolwa Cricket Club on Ngarrindjeri Country receive a $15,000 cricket grant to help boost the community club. Picture supplied
NRMA Insurance's role in fostering future Australian cricket stars
NRMA Insurance’s role in fostering future Australian cricket stars

The national sport of Australia continues to be a summer season favourite, with each match from the Australian cricket teams being an event for the ages.

Spectators and athletes share this steady devotion to the sport.

As proud helpers of Australian cricket, NRMA Insurance is confident that the love for the sport is only growing, with record crowds, outstanding tv ratings, and a brilliant performance by our cricketers.

That’s why NRMA Insurance has partnered with Cricket Australia which is devoted to fostering the future of these cricket stars from the grassroots level.

On almost every level of national cricket, this partnership intends to boost community engagement with the sport and grant more Australians the chance to play the game they love.

NRMA Insurance and Cricket Australia: A strategic alliance

It is a regular occurrence for Cricket Australia to partner with a well-known Australian brand in pursuit of creating national engagement with cricket.

Their most recent partnership is with NRMA Insurance.

This national insurer has helped over three million Australians protect the things they love.

Cricket Australia has given this protective support a new purpose, with NRMA Insurance helping to sponsor both international and national test matches for men and women.

However, this strategic alliance offers even greater benefits on a grassroots level, looking to empower and fund the efforts of local cricket clubs across the country.

NRMA Insurance and Cricket Australia recognises that the future and pride of cricket lie in the hands of the youth playing at local games.

Their talent and drive will ensure that the national sport continues to enrapture Australians for hundreds more years to come, which is why the partnership is focused on fostering these talents.

Namely, by providing additional support and recognition to their local clubs to ensure these future cricketers can play as much as they want.

Community cricket grants: Empowering local clubs

NRMA Insurance has made great strides towards empowering local cricket clubs through their community cricket club grants program (Cricket Grants).

These grants were created in partnership with Cricket Australia and intend to both recognise and celebrate the efforts made by these clubs to keep Australian cricket thriving.

In its first year of inception, the Cricket Grants provided four local clubs across Australia with $15,000 each to use as needed to support their organisation and players.

The flexibility of the grant allowed the clubs to use the financial support however they needed, whether it was for new equipment or building more inclusive cricket programs for players.

NRMA Insurance has gone above and beyond this year to empower more cricketers and their clubs through the Cricket Grants.

They have doubled the number of clubs receiving grants, with eight new organisations capable of receiving significant funding for their needs.

It is the intention of NRMA Insurance and Cricket Australia alike that every Australian is granted an equal chance to play and enjoy cricket.

Through the efforts of the Cricket Grants, rural areas like Orange will see greater inclusivity, such as further support for their growing community of women’s cricket.

Regardless of players’ age, gender, or ethnicity, the grants hope to empower all to continue playing the game.

“Pitch In” activation: Boosting community engagement

To help reach more local cricket clubs than ever with the Cricket Grants, NRMA Insurance devised the “Pitch In” activation to raise $120,000 to be split equally between the eight clubs.

The “Pitch In” activation is to be held at NRMA Insurance’s test matches, with each ball hit by the public in an open game being more money provided towards the grant.

With more funds available, more young cricket players can receive the support and equipment they need to continue playing the sport they love.

The grants open up a new world for many youths, creating a future where they can join their idols on professional pitches.

Additionally, During the Pink Test, NRMA Insurance provided funding for the second year in a row for a new McGrath breast care nurse.

This contribution underscored the broader impact of the “Pitch In” activation, extending beyond the cricket field to support vital health services.

Supporting Young Talent and Promoting Inclusivity

The Cricket Grants are specifically created to promote inclusivity and target young talent in local clubs.

Both male and female teams are intended to benefit from the funding offered by this grant.

In the case of women’s teams not already being offered by a club, the grant will help get such programs out of theoretical concepts and into real life.

With women’s cricket becoming such a huge presence on both a national and international level, it is more important than ever to promote this inclusivity.

NRMA Insurance’s drive to support youth cricket’s development and inclusivity goes beyond just the Cricket Grants.

They have followed in the footsteps of their partner, Cricket Australia, by granting opportunities to dedicated players, allowing them to play more and enhance their skills.

While the Cricket Grants directly support key local clubs, interested cricketers across Australia can gain insider knowledge on the sport through NRMA Insurance’s expert guide.

Interested parties can learn more about cricket and feel inspired by the sport through chats with their ‘local expert’, Flippa.

This knowledge can be used to improve the skills of young talent and does not discriminate between who can and cannot become a cricket star.

Future of Australian Cricket with NRMA Insurance

With many more years to come for NRMA Insurance’s partnership with Cricket Australia, there is more to be said about the future of Australian cricket.

Specifically, the insurer’s dedication to expanding the pool of recipients for the Cricket Grants from the previous year speaks to an intention to support more and more cricketers.

With such an empathetic intent underlying their actions, NRMA Insurance is bound to continue empowering local cricket clubs and generating a hopeful future for cricketing youths.

On top of their grant work, NRMA Insurance has also partnered with the McGrath Foundation, a breast cancer awareness charity, to provide greater national engagement with their cause.

This is seen in NRMA Insurance’s sponsorship of Australia’s beloved Pink Test, which sees cricket fans everywhere donning pink alongside the players to support a great cause.

The partnership NRMA Insurance has with Cricket Australia guarantees the continuation of this support, providing more hype around cricket and more aid to those most in need.

Who knows, one of Australia’s future star players may be currently benefiting from the aid of the McGrath Foundation or the Cricket Grants.


Cricket has been one of Australia’s most cherished sports for over 200 years, and that national dedication looks to extend far into the future.

Especially through the help provided by NRMA Insurance in partnership with Cricket Australia.

The Cricket Grants and sponsorship of the sport itself ensure that cricket remains the national sport and that the country continues to look forward to the summer season.

It also ensures that the young cricketers of Australia are empowered to continue playing and aiming to one day end up on the professional pitch.