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Databricks Leverages AI to Advance Cancer Research, Infrastructure in Australia

Databricks Leverages AI to Advance Cancer Research, Infrastructure in Australia

In Australia, The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the John Holland Group, an infrastructure and construction firm, have turned to cloud data and AI platform Databricks to solve significant data fragmentation problems that were hindering their ability to draw insights from business data. Speaking at Databricks’ Data + AI World Tour in Sydney, Australia last...

A third of businesses using AI without telling customers or employees

A third of businesses using AI without telling customers or employees

A third of businesses using artificial intelligence are not informing their employees or customers that they are doing so, a survey of business leaders using AI has revealed. It comes as the federal government proposes “mandatory” rules for high-risk AI, including a possible AI Act and prohibitions on technologies deemed too risky. A comprehensive survey...

AI and cybersecurity lead the charge in 2024 business tech, says CPA Australia – Australian Manufacturing

AI and cybersecurity lead the charge in 2024 business tech, says CPA Australia – Australian Manufacturing

Image credit: Siarhei/stock.adobe.com The CPA Australia Business Technology Report 2024 has revealed significant trends in technology adoption across the Asia-Pacific region, emphasising the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and digital strategies in business performance.  In particular, the report showed a substantial rise in AI integration, with 69 per cent of businesses now using...

Low Media Literacy: A Risk to Australia’s Cybersecurity Landscape

Low Media Literacy: A Risk to Australia’s Cybersecurity Landscape

A recent study by Western Sydney University, Adult Media Literacy in 2024, revealed worryingly low levels of media literacy among Australians, particularly given the deepfake capabilities posted by newer AI technologies. This deficiency poses an IT security risk, given that human error remains the leading cause of security breaches. As disinformation and deepfakes become increasingly...

Australian Enterprises Coming 4th in 2024 Global Survey of Generative AI Usage

Australian Enterprises Coming 4th in 2024 Global Survey of Generative AI Usage

Australian organisations have ranked fourth in an assessment of how widely enterprises in 16 countries are using and implementing generative AI. The survey, conducted by data analytics firm SAS, found that 63% of Australian businesses are now using generative AI. The findings, based on responses from 1,600 global AI and data analytics decision makers, found...

Australia Could Have 200,000 AI Tech Workers by 2030

Australia Could Have 200,000 AI Tech Workers by 2030

A boom in artificial intelligence has the potential to create 200,000 AI-related jobs in Australia by 2030, according to a report from the Technology Council of Australia. This presents significant opportunities for current tech workers and other professionals to secure well-paid jobs and build careers in a rapidly growing sector. The TCA report, supported by...

ManageEngine: Australian SMEs Aim to Reduce IT Costs Amid Growing Technology Complexity

ManageEngine: Australian SMEs Aim to Reduce IT Costs Amid Growing Technology Complexity

IT costs are the biggest challenge facing tech leaders in Australian medium-sized enterprises, according to a survey commissioned by IT management software vendor ManageEngine. This challenge is expected to intensify as these enterprises adopt more applications and grow their AI spending. The Digital Intensity in Australia Study, conducted by research house Ecosystm for ManageEngine 24×7,...

The world’s biggest AI models were trained using images of Australian kids, and their families had no idea

The world’s biggest AI models were trained using images of Australian kids, and their families had no idea

The privacy of Australian children is being violated on a large scale by the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, with personal images, names, locations and ages being used to train some of the world’s leading AI models. Researchers from Human Rights Watch (HRW) discovered the images in a prominent dataset, including a newborn baby still connected...

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