Australian News Today

Category : cost of living

Calls for relief as some West Australians say they don’t have $500 for an unexpected bill

Almost four out of 10 people in WA would have to sell something or turn to credit if faced by an unexpected bill, a survey by the Financial Counsellors Associat

Unemployment rate climbs to 4.2 per cent in July with more than 58,000 jobs created

The unemployment rate has climbed to 4.2 per cent in July — its highest level since November 2021 — as Australia's economy continues to slow down.Data from

Importing coffee beans into Australia has never been more expensive. Here’s what that means for your daily fix

The cost of importing coffee beans into Australia has never been more expensive, and there are few signs these record prices will ease anytime soon.While wages,

The RBA has managed to dodge a bullet on interest rates, but dark economic clouds are looming

That's the thing with silver linings. They're usually attached to dark clouds.After salivating for months about the prospect of interest rate cuts and blithely

These are the simple, brutal numbers that explain why households are doing it tough right now

There won't be protest marches in the streets when the Reserve Bank of Australia makes its next decision on interest rates.But that's only because everyone who

McDonald’s sales fall as inflation-weary customers turn away from fast food

In short:McDonald's sees its first fall in sales in nearly four years, as inflation-weary customers skip eating out.It comes as US burger company Carl's Junior

Australian Army Band offering musicians a rare full-time job opportunity – ABC listen

Rachel Mealey: It's famously difficult to make a living as a musician, but for a select few, a gig with the Australian Army Band has proven to be a dream job. I

There is a cheaper alternative to supermarkets, but most people don’t know it exists

It's 5:30am on a cold Saturday and Paddy's Markets Flemington, a fruit and vegetable market in western Sydney, is already buzzing.Trolleys weave through shopper

‘Nasty’ inflation numbers could deliver a rate rise despite retail discounting frenzy

Australia's struggling retail sector has been given a glimmer of hope, with rolling sales encouraging shoppers to spend — but economists warn that it may come

This shop saves tonnes of goods from going to landfill each year, and nothing has a fixed price

At Anglesea on Victoria's Surf Coast, any goods dropped off at the local dump but deemed too good for landfill make their way to the "tip shop".Tip shops, somet

Aldi stores 25pc cheaper than Coles, Woolworths, Choice report finds

In short: Consumer advocacy group Choice says there is a difference of just 75 cents for the same basic grocery items at Coles and Woolworths.Choice found that

Sleepout fundraiser amid ‘new wave of homelessness’ is a cause close to home for this executive

In short: Business executive Angelique Boileau, who experienced homelessness after World War II, will be participating in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.The charity s