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Tag: Woolworths

Aldi stores 25pc cheaper than Coles, Woolworths, Choice report finds

Aldi stores 25pc cheaper than Coles, Woolworths, Choice report finds

In short: Consumer advocacy group Choice says there is a difference of just 75 cents for the same basic grocery items at Coles and Woolworths. Choice found that German supermarket chain Aldi was substantially cheaper, with items around $15 less at the check-out. What’s next? Australia’s highly concentrated supermarket sector is the subject of a...

Rachel ‘hit the jackpot’ when she found meat for 74 cents. She posted the bargain online to help others deal with rising costs

Rachel ‘hit the jackpot’ when she found meat for 74 cents. She posted the bargain online to help others deal with rising costs

Single mum of seven Rachel Gibson said “it felt like winning the lotto” when she saved more than $150 on a week’s worth of groceries. The 42-year-old stay-at-home mum thought she was “seeing things” when several packets of meat were marked down to as low as 74 cents, still days from expiry.  The avid bargain...