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Today’s Horoscope – June 9, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Today’s Horoscope – June 9, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Today’s Horoscope – June 9, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Published 08 June 2024, 18:31 IST


Make sure you always get the full story on everything you do, every contract you get into and every new person you meet so as to be clear on what’s happening. Deception about some parts of your life could be an issue.

Lucky Colour: Nut-brown

Lucky Number: 1


A new avenue is opening up at work which will provide the base for much pleasure in the future. Trips and new places you may visit now will open new doors for you. No longer is your life predictable. Look out for exciting new things in romance and love.

Lucky colour: Beetroot-red

Lucky Number: 7


You appear not to have enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do. Delegating work seems like a good idea .Ideas of moves need talking through with a close one.

Lucky Colour: Tomato-red

Lucky Number: 4


Your energy levels improve and you don’t feel as if you are swimming against the tide. Advice from a mature person will make you feel more at ease about the recent dramatic events that have transpired in your life.

Lucky colour: Corn-yellow

Lucky Number: 8


You need to re-evaluate your situation. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look inadequate.

Lucky colour: Honey-gold

Lucky Number: 6


The day starts off on a good note with everything falling into place. The evening calls for some quick thinking with two admirers wanting you at the same time!

Lucky colour: Aubergine

Lucky Number: 5


Delegating work seems like a good idea. Ideas of moves need talking through with a close one. Your confidence is strong and love is favoured. This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired.

Lucky colour: Pumpkin-yellow

Lucky Number: 2


What you do and say cannot possibly meet with the approval of everyone today. So stop your people-pleasing attitude. You have been trying to please everyone, which has left you with little energy to please yourself.

Lucky colour: Onion-pink

Lucky Number: 9


Avoid overspending on entertainment. Investments that deal with property will be lucrative. Work around a given situation logically, using emotional blackmail will only worsen the situation.

Lucky Colour: Carrot

Lucky Number: 3


A younger sibling could demand time and attention. Much is happening in the career front – watch out for that office sneak. The stress you’ve been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in
your life.

Lucky colour: Olive-green

Lucky Number: 8


Delicate financial interests need to be managed with kid gloves. Promotion or opportunity for advancement will come for some. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home.

Lucky Colour: Lime-yellow

Lucky Number: 5


You are articulate and persuasive of speech, and you will need all that today to consolidate your position. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative
projects bring changes at home.

Lucky colour: Mint-Green

Lucky Number: 2

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