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Unlocking the potential of small towns: The Village Business Expo I Australian Rural & Regional News

Unlocking the potential of small towns: The Village Business Expo I Australian Rural & Regional News

8 October, 11 am – 5 pm, Maldon Golf Club

Luz Restrepo, Tarrangower Times

Our small towns are brimming with untapped potential and as business owners, we are the driving force behind our local economies. With innovation and resilience, our communities can retain the vibrancy that makes them unique. In these challenging times, when the economy is under pressure, it is crucial to think creatively and seize new opportunities. The Village Business Expo is one such opportunity.

This is not just another event—it is a movement. The Expo is a unique gathering where government representatives and organisations supporting small businesses will listen to us and share how they can help us thrive. But to make this vision a reality, we need you—yes, you—and your network.

We aim for 300 attendees and 45 local exhibitors from the Loddon Campaspe area to share their stories and challenges. By joining us, you’re not just attending an event; you are contributing to the future of our towns. Let’s unite, support each other, and ensure our communities thrive.

Key insights:

  • Employment in small towns: In Australia’s small towns, employment opportunities frequently depend on micro-businesses, typically comprising the founder and up to three additional employees.
  • Ownership demographics in urban areas: In contrast, ownership of large, medium, and small businesses in urban areas is predominantly held by white men.
  • Diverse ownership in regional micro-businesses: In contrast a notable portion of micro-businesses, particularly in regional areas of Australia, are owned by women and migrants.

Agenda highlights:

11am – Attendee registration and networking

11.30am – Opening ceremony: The Power of Collaboration

Speaker: Hon. Natalie Suleyman MP, Minister for Small Business

12.30pm – Business Workshops:

  • From Micro to Small Business – Rebecca Barnet, Maldon Bakery
  • Investing in Small-Town Businesses – Ian Riley, Bush Blocks & Buildings
  • Well-Being for Business Owners – Ash Bennallack, Thriving Minds
  • Managing Cash Flow – Dennis Barnett, AFS Partners in Success
  • Business Legalities – Tuanh Nguyen OAM, Norton Rose Fulbright
  • Growing Your Business with Technology – Jarrod Robinson, ConnectedPE
  • Tips to Sell Your Business – Hayley Tibbett, Indulge Chocolates

4pm – Panel discussion: How Government and Business Support Organisations Can Fuel Growth


  • Hon. Maree Edwards MP, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
  • Liesbeth Long, Mayor, Central Goldfields Shire
  • Merryn Tinkler, Manager Economy and Culture, Mount Alexander Shire Council

4:30 pm – Final reflections

All-day attractions:

  • Local Business Exhibition Hall
  • Small Business Bus providing free business advice

About the Organizer:

Luz Restrepo (OAM) is a connector with a decade of experience helping entrepreneurial migrant women find business opportunities or meaningful jobs. After moving to Maldon, she recognised that local microbusinesses faced similar challenges. In November 2023, she founded Made by Many Minds Holdings Pty Ltd (Village Business) to build skilled, supportive business communities in small Australian towns.

Luz and the Village Business Expo is supported by an advisory board that provides credibility, experience, and connections:

  • Jamie Heffernan, Maldon Getaways
  • Kate Stedman, French Fusion Travel
  • Peter Veenhuizen, Bradshaw Veenhuizen Psychology
  • Paul Kooperman, TEDxMaldon
  • Steve Strangward, Victoria Goldfields Railway
  • Renee Thompson, Maldon Machinery Museum

Join us at The Village Business Expo and join a movement strengthening local economies and communities.

Register now:

For further information, please reach out to: Luz Restrepo (OAM),, 0435 831 822.

This article appeared in the Tarrangower Times, 6 September 2024.
Related story: Making Maldon a business hub