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Weekly Horoscope 9 June to 15 June, 2024: Gemini, Leo and other signs — check astrological prediction

Weekly Horoscope 9 June to 15 June, 2024: Gemini, Leo and other signs — check astrological prediction

Venus is now wafting its way through pleasant regions of your chart. That’s good news, for this soft planet soothes your troubled brow and calms your passions. That doesn’t mean you won’t be falling in love, just that you’ll be a lot less agitated about it!

The Moon is rushing headlong through your chart, and the pace of events will speed up. When it finally reaches its destination, it will represent a massive inrush of energy into your emotional life – and your heart. Until then, you may put your feet up and look after yourself!

GEMINI HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: have your story ready

You’re still not prepared to talk about your most important proposals and plans. You should bear in mind, though, that next week may be very different, so have your story ready. Socially, your confidence is rising and you are prepared to meet new people.

CANCER HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: indications are complex

There’s a long-distance dimension to your affairs, and overseas contacts definitely seem to be growing stronger. Either that, or someone who arrives from far away may come knocking at your door. The indications are complex.

LEO HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: time to pursue your romantic dreams

You’ve made your point, and made it well by all accounts. Now is the time to pursue your romantic dreams, especially if a new relationship is on the cards. But what really means the most to you is companionship, the sense that treasured friends will stick around.

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VIRGO HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: no cause worth risking

Confrontation is never far away, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t have your say and stand up for yourself without arousing a partner’s anger. A battle of principles seems likely, yet there is no cause worth risking your personal relationships for.


From the planetary point of view your week is divided into neat compartments. Get trim and fit, work and do your chores up to Wednesday, and then change tack, devoting your time to love, romance and marital matters!

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: might be pleasantly surprised

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These are strange times indeed. You might blame the planets, but you should really take responsibility for unexpected twists of fate. A person, problem or memory you thought had been disposed of for good may soon pop up again without warning, although you might be pleasantly surprised.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: may not be right for you

Sooner or later you need to call a halt to a course of action which is designed to please other people, but may not be right for you. It doesn’t make any sense to keep slogging away at something that has lost any meaning or relevance.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: matter of striking a careful balance

If you’re true to your sign, only you know what needs to be done, how it is to be done and what the outcome must be. You need to trust your instincts, but without causing other people unnecessary irritation. As you know, it’s all a matter of striking a careful balance.


You’ve done your work, and now you deserve a break. If you can soldier on until the end of the week, you will see that all the trouble was worth it. This is no moment to worry about letting someone down – it is high time they took responsibility for their own affairs.

PISCES HOROSCOPE WEEKLY: you’re being blown

The winds of change are blowing through your sign with hurricane force. Yet you can’t see where you’re being blown to. Just for now you may have to content yourself with taking life a day at a time. Why not just relax and live in the present?

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First uploaded on: 09-06-2024 at 01:00 IST