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World’s top linguists head to Curtin for Australia-first symposium | News at Curtin

World’s top linguists head to Curtin for Australia-first symposium | News at Curtin

Experts in human communication from around the world will gather in Perth when Curtin University hosts a prestigious international symposium on language in society.

This is the first time the Sociolinguistics Symposium has taken place in Australia. Themed ‘Ordinariness and Innovation,’ the conference will be held from 24 to 27 June across the University’s Bentley campus.

The event is the world’s largest international conference for sociolinguists, with this year’s symposium attracting more than 500 delegates from 53 countries to discuss ideas and exchange research findings on the relationship between language and society.

Symposium Co-Chair Associate Professor Lisa Lim and Dean, International, for the Faculty of Humanities at Curtin University says particular emphasis will be on supporting diversity, equity and inclusion.

“We are thrilled to host the 25th Sociolinguistics Symposium, fostering dialogue on the critical issues of language and society,” Associate Professor Lim said.

“The symposium brings together scholars from across the globe to explore topics from Indigenous languages and multiculturalism to the linguistic challenges faced by marginalised communities.

“Sociolinguistics explores how language varies based on social factors such as class, gender, ethnicity, age and region. In examining these dynamics, we can better appreciate the diversity of human communication.”

Presentations and panel discussions will cover a wide range of topics including:

  • ‘Calm down’: Accentism in emergency calls and the misperception of callers’ competence, confidence and emotional state.
  • ‘Experiences from Down Under’: Systemic marginalisation of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia.
  • Whose voices is it?’: Untangling the heteroglossic nature of generative AI.
  • ‘Asian drivers, you so sirry!’: Linguistic racism on social media.
  • ‘You mob! Give them a chance!’: Aboriginal students translanguaging at school.
  • ‘Talking inclusion and exclusion’: Creating the nation though ‘Australian values’.
  • ‘What’s in a word?’ Imagined ‘Australianness’ and being ‘Culturally and Linguistically Diverse’.
  • Australian Aboriginal English, including their use in educational spaces.

Symposium Co-Chair Professor Sender Dovchin from Curtin’s School of Education says the conference will facilitate discussions around the complex linguistics issues of our time.

“By bringing together leading experts and emerging scholars, we can work towards innovative solutions that benefit communities worldwide,” Professor Dovchin said.

“This year’s focus on diversity, equity and inclusion reflects our dedication to ensuring all voices are valued in sociolinguistic research.”

Sociolinguistics Symposium 25 (SS25) is dedicated to accessibility, providing Auslan sign language for all keynote sessions, specific interpreting request and closed captioning for presentations.

For more information about SS25 and the program, please visit: Sociolinguistics Symposium 25 (