March 21-April 20
Life is placing significant responsibility in your hands. Venus is tapping on your window to remind you to be kind.
April 21-May 21
Mars is tangling with Pluto. There is no escaping responsibility. Freedom comes through encountering sticky issues.
May 22-June 21
Spot obstructions and go elsewhere. If you don’t, you’ll meet Saturn on the road, and he’ll insist you stop in your tracks.
June 22-July 23
The Moon has moved into Virgo, soothing your soul. Following a few days of turmoil, your feet are now on solid ground.
July 24-Aug 23
The Moon has moved on. You can go back to collecting acorns. The Gemini Sun fuels your sense of humour, thankfully.
Aug 24-Sep 23
The Virgo Moon nudges you out of old habits and opens up your creativity. Necessity may well be the greatest motivator.
Sep 24-Oct 23
Venus and Mercury are together. You will feel compelled to try to put your love into words, hopefully successfully.
Oct 24-Nov 22
As your confidence rises and you relax into a healthy sense of self, so it’s time to let love in. Feed your hungry heart.
Nov 23-Dec 21
The Virgo Moon insists you tighten up your skills. You are traditionally prone to the occasional moment of laxity.
Dec 22-Jan 20
Saturn in Pisces is pulling the brakes hard on your tendency to cogitate on matters that require sensitivity and feeling.
Jan 21-Feb 19
Life is blessing you from unexpected angles. Venus and the Moon are sending you ‘yin’ vibes to melt your defences.
Feb 20-March 20
Before Neptune departs your watery realm, he will re-emphasize the dangers of forgetting to listen to the heart’s whispers.
The tender shoots of a fresh beginning are showing. See, protect and nourish them.
The Virgo Moon places your celebration on an earthy, perhaps even healthy footing. Feed your senses as well as your mind.
Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent