March 21-April 20
The Scorpio Moon is providing uncomfortable feelings and issues to attend to. There is no avoiding these things.
April 21-May 21
The Scorpio Moon ensures that any matters not attended to should be attended to asap. Acceptance creates ease.
May 22-June 21
Though the Sun and Jupiter are still in Gemini, Mercury has moved into Cancer, bringing emotions to the surface.
June 22-July 23
Venus and Mercury are igniting a secret love in your heart of hearts. Let it be there. Relish your capacity for affection.
July 24-Aug 23
The Gemini Sun continues to spark, provoke and delight you. Live and love lightly. Dance your way through the day.
Aug 24-Sep 23
You are quite right to bring issues to the surface that others are denying. Don’t let yourself feel blamed for doing so.
Sep 24-Oct 23
The Gemini Sun is encouraging communication. Venus is in Cancer, inspiring feelings. Speak your feelings honestly.
Oct 24-Nov 22
The Moon is in Scorpio clarifying your feelings. If anyone is being pushy, invite them to hold on to their horses.
Nov 23-Dec 21
Though there’s a lot going on around you, you are completely unaffected. Follow your star in your own sweet way.
Dec 22-Jan 20
Come back to yourself. Relationships are a sacred space. So is aloneness. Treat yourself to the best of both worlds.
Jan 21-Feb 19
Where some are experiencing heavy weather, you are flying free. Soar above the clouds, above all the precipitation.
Feb 20-March 20
As you ponder what is going on in your life, so you see the need for renewal. Keep sifting and sorting till you can see.
Every ending creates a clean slate, which also means a fresh beginning.
Mercury is in watery Cancer. The call is to home, nourishment and ancestral roots. Celebrate where you came from.
Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent